Copyright (c) 2023 JAP Montales

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The study assessed the level of academically acquired competencies of the business education graduates employed at the government banking institutions and the required competencies stated in the competency framework for government employees. The study also placed interest in how engaged are the government bank employees at work. Further, the study investigated the relationship and influence of competencies and employee engagement on employee performance. There were of 112 participants from 11 branches of the government banks in Bukidnon. Descriptive - correlational and causal research designs were used complemented with the unstructured interview. The study indicated that employees in government banking institutions have ‘strongly acquired’ the knowledge, skills, and attitude, signifying that all the competencies were highly developed during their academic years. The leadership, technical, core, and organizational competencies, on the other hand, were highly required by the government banking institutions; therefore, the bank employees possess the competencies essential for the delivery of the banking functions, and that these competencies were needed to perform the task excellently. Moreover, employees have a high level of engagement in their work and the organization in terms of shared mood. Employees’ engagement has a strong relationship with employees’ performance. Although acquired and required competencies and employee engagement positively correlate with the job performance of the bank employees, the technical competencies solely correlate with the employees’ performance. Furthermore, there exist gaps in the competencies that were highly developed by the graduates from the academe and those learned from their workplace. These gaps are core competence, interpersonal skills, professionalism, technical competence, leadership and management. These gaps may be considered as areas for improvement of the academic institutions.
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