Gender Equity in Secondary Schools of West Bengal: A Critical Study

access, gender equity, secondary schools


  • R Marak (##journal.primary_contact##)
    Vasanta College for Women, Rajghat, Varanasi, UP, India
  • P Sutradhar North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong, Meghalaya, India


Independence brought the dream of an egalitarian, just, democratic society in which both men and women would have a voice and play an important role as agencies of social change, but the reality that gradually dawned was different (NCERT, 2013). While educational policies emphasize equity in universal access to education and increasing the participation of gender in the education process, the literacy rate depicts something different. Achieving gender equity in and through has been a long-standing goal of the education policy in India (GOI, NPE, 1986). Despite significant improvement in the enrolment of girls, girls from disadvantaged communities continue to form the bulk of out-of-school children. Retention and participation of girl student is still an issue. So, there is a need to understand the forces (both push and pull) that shape female access to education, especially in the context of the recent rapid structural transformation of Indian society. In this pursuit, the present paper will reflect the trends of literacy rate and enrolment in Secondary schools of West Bengal from a gender perspective. And it will explore important factors that affect gender equity in Secondary schools of West Bengal. The study will be based on secondary data which will accord data available from different sources like Census, NSSO, U-DISE, articles, books, MHRD reports on school education, newspaper articles, published and unpublished research work etc. This study will scoop out the rough patches of existing educational practices and their space for gender equity.