Copyright (c) 2023 Darryl Chow, Dr. Hooi Chee Mei, Dr. Sharon Wilson, Tan Yee Woon, Henry Tan

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Metadiscourse is the way in which writers engage the readers to the discourse and reveal the writers’ authority towards the content of the discourse making it credible (Crismore, 1989; Hyland, 1998, 2000). These features are investigated in this study due to the lack of appropriate guidelines in reference books, manuals or websites on journalism to write news specifically (Khattak, Yaqoob, & Basri, 2003). This study aims to find out how important metadiscourse features is in COVID-19 news. Two sets of news printed versions with and without metadiscourse, as well as writing prompts were given to 11 students from journalism courses and 11 students from non-journalism course from a local university to read in order to obtain their perceptions of the use and importance of metadiscourse features in COVID-19 news. This study will compare the students’ responses to the COVID-19 news to gauge their feedback on which news is more engaging.
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